The sunshine season is upon us (or at least we hope in Britain) and we know how super busy these next few months are for you. Which is why, we’ve put together a range of guides so that you can review your processes and paperwork and plan ahead for your summer of events.

Simply download each guide by clicking the buttons below. As always, we are more than happy to chat you through anything to do with running your business, so if you have any questions or need advice simply pick up the phone and give us a call on 0300 124 6866.


Applying for Events

Completing Risk Assessments

Gas Safety

Allergen Management

Understanding VAT

Food Safety in Hot Weather

Food Hygiene Rating Scheme

EHO Inspection Guide

A Sustainable Summer

Making sure your team have the right training

A Guide to NCASS services

Event prep checklist

Ready Set Summer Guides Sun

We are always looking for feedback from you so please get in touch if you have any ideas for resources you haven’t seen on our website, on your member dashboard or in the NCASS Safety Management System.