Urgent: 3 days left to apply for grants in Birmingham

Have you applied for the updated ARG grant from Birmingham Council? Or have you been rejected for a grant recently? NCASS have been working hard to ensure that members could access some government support. So if you are registered with Birmingham City council as a food business you should be eligible.

All you have to do is follow the process set out below, create a BRUM account, give the council some details about your business and let Mark Laurie know if  you’ve applied (sending the reference number to [email protected] . Within a few weeks you should find out if you have been successful.

If you have already applied and been rejected – let, director Mark Laurie know, sending the rejection email to [email protected] Birmingham Council have said they will look again at NCASS members as the criteria for eligibility has changed. Also, lots of businesses applied for the restart grants which do not apply to mobiles. If that applies to you, we need to get the council to re-assess you under the new criteria for the ARG grant.

You are entitled to ask for government support and NCASS continues to argue for more help – but we need you to apply for the money you are entitled to.

What you need to do & how to apply: The link to the form

You will be required to create a BRUM account if one has not already been setup.

You will need to say yes to the initial question about if they have been mandated to close or it won’t let them access the form.

On the question below you need to choose “Wholesale catering provider”.


The cut-off date for application is 14th May 2021 – that’s three days away

We messaged all members who are registered in Birmingham by text and e-news two weeks ago however only ten percent have replied – hopefully that means 90% of you have received grants.

If not, ACT NOW before it’s too late.

Businesses who are eligible may be also be eligible part of the top up fund due in July.


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