NCASS Meeting with Northfield MP Laurence Turner


Yesterday, the 29th of August NCASS MD, Nick, along with Henry (Public Affairs) and Roxy (Marketing) met with Laurence Turner, MP for Northfield, to discuss the challenges our members and the wider independent food & drink sector are facing.

We shared insights including member feedback on hot food VAT, the VAT threshold, high-street regeneration & hospitality and NCASS initiatives such as LPG safety as well as our hopes for the upcoming budget.

It was a pleasure to meet with Laurence, he was able to offer us questions in and to parliament and we have agreed to organise a round table for businesses in the Northfield constituency and surrounding areas so that hospitality businesses can connect with their local MP and share their challenges and hopes for the future in person.

We are fortunate that our Headquarters are in Laurence’s constituency and look forward to continuing to build a positive and productive relationship.

Lobbying for our members and the wider industry is a key part of what we do here at NCASS, if you would like us to meet with your MP or have any views you would like to share please get in touch via [email protected]

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