Easing of restrictions in Wales comes a week earlier than planned

Covid restrictions in Wales are set to be eased following an announcement by the Welsh Government.

As of 12th April, the following relaxations will take place:

  • The full return of children to schools for face-to-face education, all post-16 learners return to further education and training centres, and university campuses are able to open for blended face-to-face/online learning for all students
  • All remaining shops reopen, completing the phased reopening of nonessential retail
  • All remaining close contact services open, including mobile services
  • Travel restrictions on traveling into and out of Wales are lifted. However, restrictions on travel to countries outside the Common Travel Area without a reasonable excuse, remain in place. The Common Travel Area means the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and the Republic of Ireland
  • Wedding ‘show-arounds’ by appointment are allowed

Further details on the easing on restrictions will be confirmed at the next three-weekly review on 22nd April and should involve the following restrictions being lifted.

From Monday 26th April:

  • Outdoor attractions, including funfairs and theme parks, would be allowed to reopen
  • Outdoor hospitality can resume, including at cafes, pubs and restaurants
  • Indoor hospitality will remain closed except for takeaways
  • Organised outdoor activities for up to 30 people can again take place (previously Monday 3rd May)
  • Weddings receptions can take place outdoors for up to 30 people (previously Monday 3rd May)

On Monday 3rd May (previously Monday 10 May), the following is expected to happen:

  • Gyms, leisure centres and fitness facilities can reopen. This will include individual or one-to-one training but not exercise classes o Extended household will again allow two households to meet and have contact indoors

For all the latest news on Wales, click here.

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